About Us
Who We Are:
Freedom Behavior Consulting is a Tucson-based provider of high-quality, effective Applied Behavior Analysis services. We are fully accredited with the Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (BHCOE). Freedom Behavior Consulting are members of the Council for Autism Service Professionals (CASP). Freedom Behavior Consulting specializes in providing the highest quality ABA services to children from the ages of 2-12 years of age in the comfort of their own homes, in community settings, and in school settings, where allowed.
Freedom Behavior Consulting is in its seventh year of business serving Tucson and the surrounding communities. Our full accreditation with the BHCOE means we have been tested and every area of our business and clinical operations have been vetted and approved for the highest level of excellence in our industry.
Freedom Behavior Consulting serves Pima, Yuma, and Santa Cruz Counties.
Our Professional Staff:
Our ABA therapists are known as Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs). RBTs are certified and credentialed by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). These RBT professionals are the people who spend the most time working directly with your child. Our RBTs follow the direction and work under the supervision of our licensed Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs). RBTs follow an individualized, customized treatment plan designed specifically for your child that is crafted by one of our BCBAs.
Our Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) are the treatment team leaders. A BCBA will first assess your child and then design a individualized treatment program to target key, pivotal areas for intervention. BCBAs are licensed behavioral health professionals with an educational background (at least a Master's degree) in Applied Behavior Analysis, psychology, child development and related academic disciplines. BCBAs have undergone rigorous training and supervision in their disciplines before becoming licensed and qualified to practice ABA. This process includes passing a rigorous exam comparable to what a lawyer does when passing the bar exam or what a doctor does when take a medical licensing exam.
Clinical Director/ Lead BCBA: Our Clinical Director or Lead BCBA ensures that the interventions that are included in your child's treatment program are evidence-based and have shown to be effective in helping your child acquire skills and reduce problematic and interfering behaviors. These staff ensure that any behavioral intervention or protocol used with your child has been researched and has demonstrated effectiveness over time.

Elizabeth Wielebinski
BCBA and Lead Behavior Analyst
Elizabeth Wielebinski is an ethical value based and compassionate Board Certified Behavior Analyst with Freedom Behavior Consulting. Elizabeth started her career as a special education teacher. While exploring additional training and resources for her students, she was introduced to Applied Behavior Analysis. Since 2013, she has valued experiences with learners of all ages in a variety of settings. Elizabeth’s experience as Clinical Lead ignited her passion for mentoring and supervising RBT’s and BCBA’s with a focus on value-based care, keeping client and family focus a priority to provide high quality services. In her spare time, Elizabeth enjoys CrossFit, hiking, and opting outside whenever possible.

Eric Frey
BCBA and CEO of Freedom Behavior Consulting
Eric Frey is a Behavior Analyst and the founder of Freedom Behavior Consulting. He started his career in behavioral health, but quickly found his passion in supporting children on the autism spectrum with ABA. Eric graduated from the University of Massachusetts at Boston with a degree in Psychology. Eric then earned his Master's degree in Psychology in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. He then attended Pennsylvania State College and earned a certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis for Special Education. Eric also holds a certificate in Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders from National University of Health Sciences.

Heather Frey
BCaBA and Operations Manager
Heather Frey is a BCaBA and Operations Manager at Freedom Behavior Consulting LLC.
Achievements are:
1 year accreditation from BHCOE in 2021
2 year accreditation from BHCOE in 2022
Temple University 2000 BA in Psychology
University of Santa Barbara California 2020-2021 Undergraduate Certificate Behavior Analysis
BACB Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst-May 2022
Florida Institute of Technology MA in Behavior Analysis degree pending
For work/life balance Heather volunteers in the local community, spends time with her adult children and two grandchildren and enjoys the beautiful weather in Arizona and taking walks with her husband and Malamute/Husky Joe.